Learn strategies to reduce fees & commissions when selling a home. Saving money starts BEFORE you meet with a real estate agent. Use this information to negotiate with agents and also with buyers.

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The free guide describes negotiation strategies for home sellers but what is meant by negotiation? Negotiation is the art of compromising to exchange something of value.

The most common mistake sellers and buyers make is to make an incorrect assumption about what the opposing party wants. Although price is a priority for most, it may not be the primary driver, for example, for a person with a need to sell fast, a seller seeking a cash buyer, or a seller conveying property to a friend. Listed here are some tips for optimizing your negotiating strategies.

Reciprocity - Be first to give something and make it personal. Being genuinely nice gives you an advantage.

Scarcity - People want something more if it is perceived as scarce. Find a way to create the perception of scarcity.

Authority - People are more willing to comply with requests when they are from a perceived authority. An opinion from a licensed broker, an appraiser, an attorney, etc. can be influential to persuade agreement from another person.

Consistency - Predictable behavior creates comfort. Be consistent in how you interact with the other party.

Liking - It is effective to meet the other party in person to demonstrate commonality and likeability. People generally cooperate and seek agreement when there has been a face-to-face meeting. Put a face to the emails and texts.

Consensus - Popularity breeds demand and informing the other party of your home’s reputed desirability adds value to your offering.

Do you have a story of a positive or negative negotiation? Let us know. Send us an email or visit our Facebook page to share your experience.